Decade Long Fight Against Dam Victorious!

From Root Force La Parota Dam has been definitively canceled. The government of Guerrero has formally abandoned all plans for the dam and will inform the Mexican federal government that it will not approve its construction. After nearly 10 years of struggle, […]

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Blow, Blow Seminole Wind…

Blow across the home of the bureaucrats, the lobbyists and the cops by Clinton Tyree While the Tampa police and several media outlets obsess about whether or not some bricks and pipes on top of a building were intended to be launched […]

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One Extinction Leads to Another

from Science Daily  When a carnivore becomes extinct, other predatory species could soon follow, according to new research. Scientists have previously put forward this theory, but a University of Exeter team has now carried out the first experiment to prove it. Published […]

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Extinction Explosion

Teetering on the dire precipice between existence and annihilation, time is running out for the Royal Bengal tiger, the Great White shark, and Victorian koalas. There are reports that species in Brazil’s coastal rainforest are disappearing faster than scientists  can keep track […]

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