Crossposted from On Sunday April 22, in celebration of “Earth Defense Day” and in solidarity with Occupy the Trees, Cascadia Forest Defenders installed a tree sit in the Goose Project timber sale known as “Golden”. We are occupying the Golden Goose in […]

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Riots in Quebec Against Plan Nord

Riots struck today in Montreal as students and unions attacked a conference of business and political leaders discussing Plan Nord. While this is seen as part of an extended battle against tuition increases, the target picked by the thousands of protestors was […]

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“All The Way Alive!”

ELF Eco-prisoner speaks about support and her coming release The following letter from eco-prisoner Joyanna Zacher (“Sadie”) was sent to the Earth First! Journal in response to an effort at renewed correspondence after several years of non-communication, at her request. Along with […]

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Big Midwest Action Camp—This Weekend!

Well, it’s a busy weekend out there for eco-activists between attempting to re-radicalize Earth Day and attending the various gatherings around the US . But for those in the Midwest, this is something you may want to shuffle your plans to make […]

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Earth First! Journal Too Popular for Facebook

The Earth First! Journal is so popular that we have maxed out our Facebook page at 5,000 friends! So, we have a new Earth First! Journal “organization” Facebook page that allows us more than 5,000 “fans”. Please check it out and “like” […]

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FBI Questions Denton Drilling Activists

Photos and story by ANDREW MCLEMORE North Texas environmental activists frequently feel as though local officials ignore their protests against gas drilling, but it turns out it’s easy enough to get the federal government’s attention — if the FBI thinks you might […]

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