Damn, Germany! (and more…)

Animal Liberationists set fire to a factory farm in Germany just weeks before it was scheduled to commence its operations as a poultry supplier to Germany’s largest slaughterhouse. The roof collapsed and damage is estimated at around $1 million. The arsonists wrote in their communique:
“We would like to take this opportunity to point out that we reject comparisons of the situation of non-human animals today and the victims of Nazism. Causes and effects of different forms of domination are complex and differ on many points. These should not be rated against each other but all confronted and fought against. The fight against oppression is a part of the fight against speciesism, capitalism, racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, etc. We encourage everyone to fight, in their own way, for the liberation of all individuals from all forms of tyranny.”

One story largely ignored or avoided in the context of the ongoing political revolt ensuing throughout Thailand is the environmental resistance to off-shore oil drilling there. Activists from the region of Phuket have stood steadfastly against the prospect of development off the Thai coast, and for 15 years, no corporations have attempted to exploit the region. This week, the Prime Minister of Thailand scrapped proposed development projects, stating protection of tourism as the number 1 reason.

The Australian environmental group, Six Degrees, scaled the Parliament building yesterday, dropping a banner that read, “Don’t undermine our farms,” in order to protest political climate change initiatives which would continue to encourage coal mining.

In other banner drop news, eight Greenpeace activists were arrested after they dropped a banner on the Calgary Tower on Tuesday reading, “Separate Oil and State,” in order to protest the tar sands.

Interesting post here about the privilege of environmental protesters in the “West” as opposed to activists like Karma Samdrup and his brothers in Tibet.

In Guam, the group, “We Are Guahan,” protested against the use of the land of Pagat for a firing range, the dredging of Arpa for an aircraft carrier dock and the expansion of roads as well as the seizure of lands in general.

Posted in News.

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