1. Reblogged this on The Grove of Yews and commented:
    Some say that the warrior spirit in mankind is dead. Here is proof that it is alive and burning. Many are waiting for someone to take the lead and show the way, these brave folks aren’t waiting. Well done to Earth First! keep on fighting!

  2. Weird, I think Leah is the younger sister of an old comrade of mine from a collective in Humboldt Park, Chi, Sarah. I haven’t seen either of them since like… ’06, so if I’m right it’s good to see there’s at least one other New Wolrd Resource Center alumni still struggling for justice.

    • ha! I just noticed this post, hey there, this is Leah – you got the right gaggle of girls! Sarah and I are both committed to social and environmental justice work, though we definitely have different focuses and it’s awesome when we get to collaborate. I am a contributing editor at the Earth First! Journal Collective, it’s nice when one of your job requirements is to rabble rouse! Hope you’re doing great Alex, thanks for checking out the EF! Newswire : )

      • Hi Leah, that’s cool! Please tell Sarah that I wrote “Hello.” Veronika (white Raven) had been the only person I knew through the NWRC center that I’d seen at stuff the last few visits I had to Chicago, so it’s good to read Sarah is still involved with things.

        I’m doing well, thanks! I hope you are also. I’m one of the people that got arrested locking down to defend a tree sit here in Flagstaff a few weeks ago, that’s how I ended up starting to check this website. Take care!

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