Climbing Camp – July 14th – 20th in Oregon

EF! Climbers Guild will be hosting a climbing camp this summer in northwest oregon.  The week will be climb training from basic rope set up to more advanced structure rigging. What you need to attend: Firstly, you must RSVP so we know how many to expect and to get directions to the camp. We will be camping out in the forest so you need to bring all the gear and food to keep yourself happy. Be prepared for the weather so rain gear and decent shoes should be considered a necessity. There will not be a communal kitchen so you have to be self-sufficient. Please plan to attend all 7 days if you are coming to the camp.

You do not need to know how to climb beforehand but you will get more out of the week if you have a basic understanding of rope work. You will also benefit greatly if you have your own climbing gear. This can’t be stressed enough. Having your own gear will increase your comfort level greatly and will ensure that you always have what you need as well as showing your commitment and desire to become a climber. However, if you can’t get gear together there might be gear available for you to use, but no guarantee. The basics are: a harness (a rock harness works but a nice New Tribe arborist harness rules), 3 to 5 6mm slings (go to a climbing store and ask for 6mm rope for tying prusiks with. 25 feet or more will do you great), 3 to 5 locking climbing carabineers (I prefer the triple auto locking but any locking carabineers will do), Two 1 inch webbing lanyards (getting 15 feet of 1 inch tubular webbing will do),  STURDY SHOES (yes that is in caps for a reason. Your life will suck if all you have are a pair of decrepit converse and barefoot really isn’t an option unless you are a hobbit). A climbing helmet (obvious).

Other good things to bring

Any other climbing gear you have including ropes would be good to bring. If you have anything that you are willing to let others use make sure you have it well labeled.

To climb at the camp you will have to sign a waiver of liability and recognize that what we are doing is dangerous. We are willing to share our climbing knowledge but not willing to accept responsibility if someone hurts themself. Along this same line, at the camp the trainers have veto power over everything climbing related and can ask anyone to leave the camp if they feel they are not acting in a safe manner or are behaving in a disruptive manner.

The topics to be covered during the 7 days are:

Saturday: Basic climbing and Rope Anchoring

Sunday: Traverses and Tree to Tree transfers (sky walking).

Monday: Basic Structure rigging and Haul systems

Tuesday: Tri Bi and Mono Pods

Wednesday: Advanced Structure rigging

Thursday: Large scale, occupied banner deployment

Friday: Basic rescue and training set ups.

The schedule will be fairly rigid with demonstration times but ample opportunity will be available for people to practice whatever skills they have learned.

Hope to see you in the woods and RSVP for more information and directions!

Posted in Radical Environmental Events.

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