CLICK HERE for a new PDF of the Beltane 2011 edition of Earth First! News, available to be downloaded and reprinted freely. This newsletter is shorter than others, as it is excerpted from the quarterly full-size EF! Journal which is on the way soon. The Journal will include the political prisoner birthday page (which has thus far only appeared in the EF! News ).
The coming Journal will also feature about a dozen feature articles on the biodiversity, resistance, movement strategy and EF! culture. With stories from the battle over the Alberta tar sands; Jaguar habitat in the borderlands; forests in Tasmania; updates from Humboldt; Iraq’s marshlands; Chiapas, Mexico; Appalachia; the EF! Winter Rondy and OC; the Gulf; and a lot more. Oh, almost forgot, there’s even pages dedicated to eco-revolutionary horoscopes, comics and crossword puzzles!
Subscribers should be seeing it in their mailboxes by the end of the month, the rest of y’all can buy it online, at some shops out there, or from us directly at the Rondy in the Rockies next month!
But in the meantime, please copy and circulate this edition of the EF! News freely.