Greenpeace Direct Action and more

About 60 Greenpeace activists have blockaded part of the European Parliament headquarters in Brussels to protest the widespread use of nuclear technology. They came with four samples of radioactive waste collected at public places near reprocessing facilities in Britain and France and samples of radioactive soil from Niger and Belgium. Activists also raised flags and banners reading “Nuclear waste, no solution.”

Monsanto in Decline
Monsanto is losing out big on their latest gene-saturated soya crops. Their profits have been less than half of what they projected, and farmers are complaining that they’re getting genes they didn’t really want, and that the higher priced seeds are producing less yield than the lower priced ones. Plus, Monsanto is being priced out by generic seeds from China, showing that most people are gravitating towards just growing what makes sense. The Atlantic and the New York Times have both run stories over the past couple of days on the subject of Monsanto’s decline. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are being crammed down our throats, because of Monsanto and Dupont and other transnational corporations’ political lobbying. If Monsanto falls to pieces, one might expect the US government to find some way of bailing them out or subsidizing GMOs, but if those who make the GMOs can’t subsidize the legislators, don’t expect legislation to subsidize GMOs.

Governor to Sue EPA on Behalf of Coal Industry
In other news, West Virginia Governer Manchin is suing the EPA to drop regulations against coal mining in his state. Who has appeared to prop up this sinister case but CEO of Massey Energy himself, Don Blankenship. Both men claim to believe in the power of coal companies to hire miners and coal workers, who put the nations’ energy needs on their backs. One question: Hey, Don, why do you support Mountaintop Removal if you support coal miners? MTR streamlines the workforce, bringing the number of employees necessary to operate a mine down from dozens to a handful. For more, visit Climate Ground Zero.

Mountain Justice Fall Summit
CGZ has an event not to be missed coming up. This October 22nd-24th, the 5th annual Mountain Justice Fall Summit will be held on Kayford Mountain in the Southern West Virginia coalfields. Coming on the heels of Appalachia Rising, we are building momentum and standing together in the coalfields for the abolition of surface mining.

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