Get off the Internet…

We’ll meet you in the streets! It ain’t just the weather heatin’ up. Eco-action camps, radical gathering and activist mobilizations are going off this month all across the globe. So get out your calendar, dust off your hitch-hiking thumb, or train maps.. […]

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Happy Beltane! Merry May Day!

From Oakland to Asia, from Madrid to Moscow people are striking, and celebrating! Here in South Florida the Earth First! Journalistas are celebrating the completion of the Betane 2012 issue of the Journal! It is out of our hands and will be […]

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Cascadia Summer 2010!

Republished from the CFD site. This looks like an attractive option for those who can’t or won’t make it out to the east coast Rondy. It’ll hopefully spawn a long campaign that folks can plug into all summer. ATTENTION FOREST DEFENDERS: Join […]

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EF! Journal Benefit Show!

Press Release Below: Get Your Groove on and Support Local Activism at the Grassroots Groovin’ Celebration! The second annual Grassroots Groovin’ celebration kicks off at the The Hut on May 29. The event features a diverse lineup of high-energy music acts and […]

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