ELF Documentary Wins Sundance Prize

Winner of the Documentary Editing Award at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival, If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front is slated for broadcast later this year on PBS’ POV series and will remain an evergreen title in educational […]

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Ecowarrior Dies in Bilston Glen Blaze

Andrew Millhouse, 24, originally from South Africa was found dead after firefighters were called out to a blaze Bilston Glen at around 3am on Monday morning. In a short statement, fellow protesters said: “The people of Bilston Road protest site regret the […]

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First Nations Lockdown in Ottawa

Algonquin First Nations protesters say they have chained themselves to the trees of the Beaver Pond Forest Tuesday morning to halt the clearing of the area to make way for a residential development in western Ottawa. click here for more info.

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Briana Waters Reindicted

On January 26, 2011, Briana Waters was re-indicted in a 9 count indictment which also served as a superseding indictment for Joseph Dibee, Josephine Overaker, and Justin Solondz. Briana is accused of: conspiracy to commit offense or defraud the US, possessing an […]

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