Epic: Greenpeace Occupies Offshore Rig

Four expert climbers in inflatable speedboats evaded Danish Warship commanders and safely occupied the Cairn Energy oil rig off Greenland in the Arctic. They are now hanging in tents suspended from the rig, 45 feet above the icy ocean. Cairn energy has shut down operations, admitting a serious wrench in their works as they race to finish exploration before Winter conditions set in.


more action shots here

From the Greenpeace Press Release:

Baffin Bay, Greenland – Campaigners have evaded a huge military security operation to scale a controversial oil rig in the freezing seas off Greenland. At dawn this morning four expert climbers in inflatable speedboats dodged Danish Navy commandos before climbing up the inside of the rig and hanging from it in tents suspended from ropes, halting its drilling operation (video and stills available).

The climbers have enough supplies to occupy the hanging tents for several days. If they succeed in stopping drilling for just a short time then the operators, Britain’s Cairn Energy, will struggle to meet a tight deadline to complete the exploration before winter ice conditions force it to abandon the search for oil off Greenland until next year.

Sim McKenna from the United States, one of the campaigners hanging fifteen metres above the bitterly cold Arctic ocean, said: “We’ve got to keep the energy companies out of the Arctic and kick our addiction to oil, that’s why we’re going to stop this rig from drilling for as long as we can. The BP Gulf oil disaster showed us it’s time to go beyond oil. The drilling rig we’re hanging off could spark an Arctic oil rush, one that would pose a huge threat to the climate and put this fragile environment at risk.”

McKenna, who had been helping with the Gulf clean-up operation before joining the Greenpeace ship the Esperanza in the Arctic, continued: “Right now this platform is the most important oil rig in the world. If we can stop them striking oil here in the next few weeks we’ll hold back the oil giants for at least another year, hopefully gaining enough time for a global ban on dangerous deepwater drilling projects like this to be enacted.”

A Danish Thetis-class 120m warship, commandos in speed boats and a flotilla of police boats have been shadowing the Esperanza for the last nine days. The rig has been forced to stop drilling because any breach of the 500m security zone around it results in a routine shutdown. It is currently drilling in volcanic rock, having failed to strike oil, and is due to move soon to a new drill site 100km away. The campaigners hope today’s occupation will delay the move or even cause it to be cancelled.

If the Edinburgh-based company strikes oil, analysts expect a new Arctic oil rush, with Exxon, Chevron and other energy giants already buying up licenses to drill in the area and making preparations to move in.

Jon Burgwald, a Greenpeace campaigner onboard the Esperanza, which is about a kilometre from the occupied platform, said: “Instead of letting the oil companies drill for the last drops of oil in pristine places like the Arctic, our governments should be pushing the development of the clean energy technologies we need to fight climate change and reduce our dependence on dirty fuels. We already have the tools we need to go beyond oil, all that’s missing is the determination to make it happen quickly. That’s why we have to stop this rig from drilling for as long as we can. We can’t let the oil giants take us all in the wrong direction by opening up the Arctic seas to a new oil rush.”


Yesterday’s post mentioned a Mobilization for Climate Justice – West protest, which took place on the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina in order to mark the failure of the government once again to protect the Gulf of Mexico from environmental catastrophe—this time in the guise of the BP Deep Horizon spill.

We failed to mention that the 150 people who marched from Chevron office to BP office with a list of environmental demands for Climate Justice manifested one of the largest direct actions against BP to date. Activists blockaded the BP office in San Francisco and the intersection in front of it. 15 were arrested

Posted in News.


  1. fuck a bunch of greenpeace.

    their sellout of the boreal was Epic.

    this is just a way to grab attention and thus, donations.

    we should find a way to cut off their funding so they will shrivel up and die.

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