Welcome back to Earth First! News, our sporadic newsletter published in between regular print issues of the Journal. This spring issue features Ecowars from December 2020 through February 2021, an update on the state of the EF! movement, an interview with Appalachians Against Pipelines following the extraction of their 932-day treesit blockade, updated political prisoner information, a reportback from last October’s Midwest Climb Camp, a directory, and more.
This edition of the News was compiled by a groundbreaking volunteer virtual editorial collective which included Beetle, Earthworm, Gnat, Mala, Nada, Sage and Sunflower.
Support our efforts to send a hard copy of this Newsletter to our 200+ prisoner subscribers by purchasing a gift subscription today! All donations go toward printing and mailing costs.
As always, EF! News is free to download. Please print as many copies as you can and distribute widely to your local infoshops, zine distros, folk punk shows, natural grocery stores, etc.
Or read online below (we recommend viewing in fullscreen mode)