Well, they were a bit slow in coming. But here they are. Real directions to “The Ultimate RRR site”… We’ll see you there!
Well, they were a bit slow in coming. But here they are. Real directions to “The Ultimate RRR site”… We’ll see you there!
No directions were posted…
http://marcellusearthfirst.org/directions/ directions have been up for a week now. Don’t make me throw deer ticks at the journal folks from our ewok village!
The link to the directions are embedded in the post, In the line “But here they are.” Sorry for the confusion. And just for the sake of holding up our end of the debate with the Marcellus EF! folks.. The spot where site says, in big letters, “Coming to the EF! Rondy – Directions & Updates” leads you here:
…a link with no directions. The actual directions are buried elsewhere on the site. Luckily we were smart enough to locate them and share them with the world (see, where would the movement be without the EF! Journal? donations anyone? . My Marcellus friends, maybe the deer ticks have already taken a toll on your brains.
The Earth First! Journal is surly my guide. The state of our minds up in the shale fields? well the fracking fluid in the water sure ain’t helping either. I’m not the bottom liner on the site but I will mention the confusion… For more lovely EF! discourse you should subscribe to the journal. Shit u don’t even have to go to the mailbox anymore to get it! No Excuses! No Compromise!
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