Obama Agrees to NAFTA-style Free Trade Agreement

The Obama Administration has bargained for a free trade agreement (FTA) with South Korea that mimics the same language of NAFTA style free trade negotiated and passed by the Bush administration. The Peru Free Trade Agreement has already gone into effect, damning […]

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Eric McDavid Denied Appeal

On Wednesday, December 8, the 9th circuit court of appeals denied Eric’s request for a rehearing en banc. This means, in theory, that 11 judges reviewed Eric’s petition for a rehearing and not a single one of them found any merit in […]

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Potential Major Victory In Struggle Against Vivisection

After a year of huge disappointments, including the sentencing of several activists to multiple years in prison, anti-HLS campaigners are celebrating a potentially huge victory: In a statement released by anti-HLS campaigners, activists have disclosed that “Fortress Investment Group have ceased all […]

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Hundreds Form Human Chain Around Nuclear Site

Several hundred nuclear energy opponents formed a human chain around a German nuclear storage site Sunday, to protest against transports of radioactive material. Click here for more. In other news, directed against foreign-backed Sagittarius Mines, Inc., more than 400 protesters reached Digos […]

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COP16: What Happened?

The outcome of COP16, in spite of the government of Bolivia and the determination of indigenous peoples world-round, was the passage of several capitalist accords to decrease climate change by 2 degrees. Here are some of the contentious issues that have developed. […]

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Via Campesina Declaration of COP16

Members of La Vía Campesina from more than thirty countries from all over the world united our thousands of struggles in Cancun to demand environmental and social justice, and respect for Mother Earth at the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP 16). […]

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Residents Protest Aluminum Mine in Tennessee

Hundreds of people turned out in Mount Pleasant on Wednesday night to listen to details about an aluminum waste landfill proposed for a site next to the Maury County airport. There were no decisions made at this hearing. Residents have until Jan […]

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