Message from No Fracking Action Media: We know this is short notice! We also know that we need to be ready for quick action to protect our lives and homes!
It was recently reported that Governor Cuomo would announce the opening of NY state to active drilling “soon”, despite the insistence of residents that we do not want the gas industry fracturing our communities!
On September 4th, 2012 we challenge you to create the most creative direct action response you can with the people you have and supplies you can rustle up. Tell the gas industry and elected officials like Governor Cuomo, “WE ARE NOT GOING TO LET YOU DO THIS! We will meet you in your office with banners and signs, we will meet you on the streets chanting, we will meet you in front of the companies’ headquarters, we will hang banners from your street poles, we will sit down in the roads and bar industry vehicles from entering their compounds, we will stop the drill rigs from drilling when they come!”
You don’t have to wait to organize a rally or an office demonstration. Successful actions always start with a committed team. Collaborate with your group on a smart strategy, effective tactics, and powerful messaging. No matter how small your action is, it will become one of the many grassroots voices against fracking that make this movement strong. Start Tuesday, September 4th. You are powerful and creative; you can do it, whatever that may be!
Lies and money have worked in the past; they don’t anymore. There have been too many broken promises, broken treaties, broken dreams. The fracking industry will not win us over no matter how hard it tries. We will fight like the lives of our children depend on it, because they do.
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