Notes about the Beltane 2012 edition, and other updates from your broke but loyal EF!J collective

Rabbits.. Spring.. Get it? (We know, its a little late..) The cover image is also a shout out to our warriors locked in cages. Wait’ll you see the back side, it’ll all make more sense.
The season of Eostar faded into Beltane, and now Beltane has faded into Litha, leaving many of you wondering how the Summer Solstice passed without ever seeing the Spring edition of the Earth First! Journal. Well the good news is that it’s done. In fact it’s been done since Beltane—that’s May Day, for all you commies out there. The bummer news is that we were only able to scrape together money to get it from the printer last week.. And we’re just barely able to cover the cost of getting it out the door to the post office (let alone pay our bills!)
It seems that almost half-a-million visits to the online EF! Newswire—averaging 1,000 a day now—doesn’t translate into economic stability. Ah! The Internet, damned if you do… (I can’t bear to utter the rest of that cliché.) In any case, we want you to see what we’ve been up to.
Revenge of the Nerds
Eco-Defense Goes Digital
-Skylar Simmons
Let the Bad-Assity Begin (Again)
A report from the “Giving EF! a Kick in the Ass” workshop series
-Toby V. Potter
Thinking Long Term
A Proposal for an Earth First! Land Project
-Marie Mason
Twenty Years of Protecting Forest Ecosystems
a Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project Retrospective
-Karen Coulter
Extinction: A Timeline
-Molly Jane
In the Path of the Energy Locomotive
Resisting Colombia’s Quimbo Hydroelectric Project
-Entre Aguas
See you at the Rondy?
If you haven’t noticed yet, the folks from Marcellus EF! released directions and set up a ride board for the Round River Rendezvous (RRR, er the Rondy). Our goal is to get Journals in the mail in time for subscribers to have them as they walk out the door heading for western PA, so you’ll have something to read on the train, on the side of the road, on the bus, the plane, or while your driving (if everyone else can text and drive, why shouldn’t you be able to read the EF!J?!)
As we mentioned, this is gonna take a little help. And pronto. If making online donations isn’t your thing, you can print out the EF! Journal Summer 2012 fund letter and send it back in with a check or money order, asap. If you don’t see it before leaving for the Rondy, rest assured that you can pick one up when you get there.
Other EF! articles to hold you over
In effort to make amends for our tardiness, here are some links to awesome original articles that we’ve only published online over the last several month:
Volunteer Party & Work Week!

Here in the Loxahatchee River, where the skunk ape works the phones for us…
And last, don’t forget that we’re inviting you to a week of jam-packed volunteer opportunities for the eco-rev, at our Journal office in the Night Heron activist center, and adventuring in the Loxahatchee watershed. Join us the first week after the Rondy here in Lake Worth, FL. Check this link for details.
Oh, and if you’re in the area, come on out this Monday to the Night Heron and help with preparing the mailing.
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